integrating peak permornce for wellness practitioners

Blog tagged as integrating peak permornce for wellness practitioners

Mastering the Integration of High-Performance Mental States in Therapy and Coaching

23.04.24 08:05 PM By Mignon Walker MD, Lead Resilience Coach - Comment(s)
Mastering the Integration of High-Performance Mental States in Therapy and Coaching

Integrating High-Performance Mental States in Coaching & Therapy

Structured Meditation Techniques: Practitioners can begin sessions with guided meditations that specifically aim to induce gamma states. These techniques focus on breathing and visualization exercises that elevate brain function, pr...

Improve Home Ketamine Therapy With Gamma Powered Resilience Coaching

23.04.24 08:05 PM By Mignon Walker MD, Lead Resilience Coach - Comment(s)
The Neuroscience Behind Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine, traditionally used as an anesthetic, is now recognized for its powerful therapeutic effects on mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It facilitates the growth of new synaptic (brain cell) connections, helping to 'reset' brain p...