
Tapping Into Your Boundless Potential

13.02.24 01:43 AM By Mignon Walker MD, Lead Resilience Coach - Comment(s)
Imagine this: You're an artist lost in the rhythm of your brushstrokes, an executive unraveling the next great creative advance for your company, or a professional athlete in the zone, performing at the peak of your abilities. This state of optimal performance and absorption, known as peak flow, is ...

Comparison of Somatic Methods

29.04.24 07:34 PM By Mignon Walker MD, Lead Resilience Coach - Comment(s)
Let's begin with John, a veteran, who has struggled daily with the debilitating effects of PTSD for the past 8 years. Traditional treatments did little to ease his vivid flashbacks, labile mood, and night terrors. It wasn't until he discovered SLIP™ Resilience Coaching that he felt a shift. "Ea...

The Coping Trap: Getting Past Life's Challenges Requires More than Controlling Symptoms

03.03.23 06:28 PM By Mignon Walker MD, Lead Resilience Coach - Comment(s)

Coping is the Old Paradigm
Coping mechanisms like mindfulness and distraction serve as temporary fixes to uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. They have been the backbone of recommendations for the past 50 years.  During that time, people using these strategies have tended to remain stuck, battl...