• SLIP™ Resilience Coach Training

    Think about the clients you've had that still struggle. How much better would their lives be if you could confidently guide them through resolving their deeper blocks? 

    A system you can trust to deliver unparalleled results.

    10X Your Results

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If you are a coach, therapist, breathworker, bodyworker, or other wellness practitioner who wants to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be,

 learn the skills you need to add incredible value to your practice.

Differentiate yourself as a wellness practitioner who guides clients through problems caused by the root problems, as well as to resolve the root problem.  It's this deeper level practice that helps you facilitate clients having their cake and eating it too- acheiving success in the area of their life they are seeking, and to deeply enjoy it.  

Learn evidence based practices that enhance your peak performance and skills to confidently guide clients to achieve this deep embodied transformation


Regardless of Your Ideal Client Avatar, Most People Are Stuck For A Few Basic Reasons

Whether the issues are challenges with parenting, finances, relationships, school, their job, artistic or athletic pursuits, most clients feel stuck, afraid, and their self-confidence is taking a huge hit.

Some people can get by with encouragement and a blueprint for success, but by leveling up your practice, you can empower them to resolve their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors in a way that unleashes their full potential.

SLIP™ Resilience Coaching Provides A Strong Foundation For Your Success

Most of us want to get the best results possible for our clients.  The truth is, we reach the limit of our ability to help our clients at the point where we also continue to struggle.

Some coaches and therapists emphasize the importance of coping skills. But what does that align with?

Coping is an offshoot of the "fake it 'til you make it" mindset, rooted in not being able to fix the cause the problem. 

This approach leaves limiting thoughts to unravel gains your clients make in the long run, and misses an opportunity for you to add extra value that generates powerful results, testimonials and referrals. 

SLIP™ Resilience Coach training provides you with tools that will 10x your clients' results without coping, and as an added value to whatever other blueprints for success you share with them.

You Will Learn Powerful Techniques To:

Resolve Self-Sabotaging Thoughts & Behaviors

Facilitate embodied learning so clients can naturally resolve the root causes of self-criticism and discover a supportive internal dialogue that propels them toward their goals.

Eliminate Paralysis in Personal and Career Development

Learn to support a growth mindset so clients can step out of their comfort zones, tackle obstacles head-on, and pursue their goals with confidence. 

Overcome Fears of Rejection & Social Withdrawal

Help clients build resilience and naturally bolster their social skills and the emotional intelligence needed to forge deeper connections and build a supportive community.

Resolve Struggles With Self-Advocacy and Boundary Setting

Equip clients with the confidence to express their needs and desires clearly, negotiate effectively, and establish safe boundaries.

Trauma-informed somatic methods enhanced by peak flow states get faster and more durable results than coping strategies and other language based techniques. 

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Regardless of their roles, backgrounds, or success levels, you can coach clients with  science-backed methods to enhance resilience, catalyzing transformative changes that ripple throughout their lives.

Are you getting results like these?


Find out how a client stuck at an entry level position, suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for over 10 years was able to save their marriage and get a better job after only 3 months of SLIP™ Resilience Coaching.

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“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”            

                                       - Maya Angelou


The Key To Peak Performance

Gamma consciousness is where soul-meets-science, also known as the "peak flow state" associated with greater focus and attention, positive mood, creativity, peak performance, and high satisfaction. 

Learn to access and apply this powerful gamma state of mind to coaching, and enhance your effectiveness. This is true mastery.

You can only get that here.

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Ketamine Coaching

Ketamine is a powerful prescription medication used off label for treating resistant anxiety, depression, and PTSD. It helps overcome mental and emotional blocks by boosting neuroplasticity (enhancing your brain's ability to learn).  

Learn to work with prescribers to improve results of ketamine therapy.

More About Ketamine

Quote from the Founder...

I'm excited to introduce this innovative online course designed to empower coaches, therapists, and wellness practitioners.

​Traditional talk-based methods centered on coping and mindfulness, are rooted in conscious processing and fail to address deeper subconscious issues. Negative thoughts and behaviors are attached to survival reflexes—such as muscle tension, brain fog, and changes in heart rate and breathing—which are not resolved using talk based strategies.

​ Trauma-informed somatic processing enhanced with gamma peak performance cuts through numbness and confusion, untangling emotions, beliefs, and survival reflexes, rebooting the innate ability to succeed and thrive. The result is a more comprehensive approach and sustainable results."

Mignon Walker MD

Founder of SLIP™ Resilience Coaching, Lead Coach & Trainer
Graduate, Stanford University School of Medicine
Best emotional resilience training course providing trauma informed framework for working deep in gamma consciousness
SLIP resilience coaches learn safe ketamine coaching to improve ketamine results
familes need individual coaching to resolve deep wounds and resentments to thrive - choose slip resilience coaching with somatic therapy techniques and trauma informed gamma consciousness connections
Resilience - The Future Of Coaching

The Power Of Resilience

Resilience is the underappreciated superpower that takes people from mediocre to amazing.  It allows you to show up with a clear mind, balanced emotions, and the confidence to set safe boundaries and navigate life with fewer breakdowns.

Embodying this quality as a therapist or wellness practitioner, gives your clients confidence in your ability to help them achieve it.  

Clients are tired of platitudes and coping strategies that ultimately leave them frustrated and hopeless.  With SLIP™ Resilience Coaching you will be able to comfortably coach your clients through the process of confronting their "shadow" and reclaiming their unlimited potential.

Add more value to your practice and get unparalleled results with our cutting-edge soul-meets-science protocols.


Why is SLIP™ Resilience Coaching so effective?

We get better results because our methods are designed to work at the root of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. Our protocols were designed to efficiently reboot the nervous system and balance the emotions while resolving low self-confidence and core belief wounds. The ripple effect of resilience and restored self-worth have a transformational impact on clients' emotional wellbeing, ability to enjoy safe relationships, and their potential to excel at school or in the office.

Who can enroll in the training?

Health coaches, wellness practitioners, therapists and licensed professionals can all expand their practices and help their clients achieve life changing results by training with us.  People who desire to launch a career as a health coach specializing in trauma-aware resilience building may also qualify for enrollment. 

Can I earn a good living as a SLIP™ Resilience Coach?

Course graduates working four days a week, seeing four clients per day online, can earn a significant six figure income as they step into their passion and empower clients with their unique skills.


Meet Our Team

Mignon Walker, MD 
​Lead Coach & Trainer 

Mignon creates opportunities for people to build wealth while pursuing a passion filled career aligned with their purpose.

Meet Mignon

Jana, Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator & Trainer

Jana leads transformational breathwork sessions and teaches how to use the power of the breath to release emotional  blocks.

Meet Jana

Dana , Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor & Trainer

Dana teaches trauma informed yoga, and works with at risk youth and female prisoners to help them personify their potential.

Meet Dana

Body Talk Practitioner &

Jay helps people reconnect with their inner guidance using Body Talk and Yoga. She is a course instructor and Client Relations superstar.

Marketing & 
Business Growth Expert

Founder of Alycone Marketing, Javier helps businesses achieve rapid growth with online campaigns that harmonize with their mission.

Rebekah Smith

Sales & Strategic Partnerships

Rebekah helps businesses grow by connecting them with cutting edge products and services.

​Client Relations & 

​Event Coordinator

Thandi has an eye for detail and makes everyone feel safe and understood. She is the pulse that keeps client experiences running smoothly.

Along with your 'higher power,' what difference have you made in this lifetime?  Unleash your true potential and make a bigger impact.
​Fuse your work with what you love doing the most.